Vinson Massif

Vinson Massif, the highest summit of Antarctica, stands at an impressive elevation of 4,892 meters. Located in the north part of Vinson Massif’s summit plateau, it is situated in the south portion of the main ridge of the Sentinel Range. About 2 kilometres north of Hollister Peak, Vinson Massif is a prominent destination for climbers aiming to conquer the 7 Summits.

Known for its challenging ascent, Vinson Massif is a coveted peak amongst mountaineers. As climbers progress through their journey of scaling the highest mountains on every continent, Vinson Massif presents itself as one of the most formidable summits to conquer.

The first successful summit of Vinson Massif was in 1966 by an American team led by Nicholas Clinch. Since then, numerous climbers have sought to challenge themselves on this legendary summit. In 2001, an expedition made history by being the first to climb Vinson Massif via the Eastern route. This milestone achievement was accompanied by the use of GPS measurements to determine the height of the peak accurately. Collecting these data points has added to the mountain’s wealth of knowledge.

As of February 2010, 1,400 climbers have attempted to reach the top of Mount Vinson, showcasing the enduring appeal and popularity of this awe-inspiring peak. Whether climbers are driven by a sense of adventure, personal achievement, or a desire to complete the remarkable challenge of the 7 Summits, Vinson Massif remains popular.

Brief Itinerary View in full

  • Day 01Arrival in Punta Arenas, Chile, transferred to your hotel.
  • Day 02Pre-departure briefing and final preparation.
  • Day 03Fly to Antarctica
  • Day 4-5Arrive at Vinson base camp.
  • Day 6-7Begin the ascent from base camp to low camp.
  • Day 08Climb from Low Camp to High Camp and prepare for the summit push
  • Day 9-10Summit Vinson Massif
  • Day 11Descent back to Base Camp
  • Day 12-13Return to Union Glacier
  • Day 14Return to Chili
  • Day 15Final Departure