Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa, is a popular destination for climbers and hikers. Kilimanjaro is considered the easiest of the seven summits, making it attractive to experienced hikers and first-time adventurers. Scaling the mountain requires no technical skills or equipment, as it is a hiking peak rather than a mountaineering one. Kilimanjaro is Africa’s tallest peak and the world’s tallest free-standing mountain, with its summit, named Uhuru Point, towering at 5,895 meters (19,341 feet) above sea level. This highest mountain in the African continent is located just 205 miles from the equator in Tanzania.

Climbing in Tanzania: Machame Route

For climbing in Tanzania, the Machame Route is preferable on Kilimanjaro. This route offers beautiful views and a different path daily, from Machame Gate through the dense forest to Shira camp. Along the way, hikers can spot unique flora like Elephant Trunks. From Shira Camp to Barranco Camp, there is a crucial day for acclimatization, where hikers climb from 3750m to 4600m before descending back to Barafu camp. The Barranco Camp to the top of the Barranco Wall at 4200m involves a slightly challenging climb, but the reward is the breathtaking view from the top of the wall.

When ascending Kilimanjaro, starting from Barafu camp at midnight is recommended. After a long climb, hikers reach the summit of Uhuru Point. After enjoying the stunning scenery and capturing memories through photographs, hikers descend back to Barafu camp within a couple of hours. A light lunch is enjoyed at the camp before the descent to Mweka camp, which takes 3-4 hours through mixed terrain and dense forest. The following day, hikers receive their summit certification, bid farewell to the staff, and return to the hotel.

Highest Mountain in African Continent

Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa, offers a relatively easy climb, attracting both experienced hikers and first-time adventurers. Climbing in Tanzania primarily focuses on Kilimanjaro, and the Machame Route provides a beautiful and diverse journey. With its rocky terrains, moraines, and snow-capped peaks, Kilimanjaro offers awe-inspiring views. Scaling this magnificent mountain is undoubtedly an unforgettable experience for hikers worldwide.

Brief Itinerary View in full

  • Day 01Arrival in Tanzania, Kilimanjaro airport
  • Day 02Machame Gate to Machame Camp
  • Day 03Machame Camp to Shira Camp
  • Day 04Shira Camp to Barranco Camp
  • Day 05Barranco Camp to Karanga Camp to Barafu Camp
  • Day 06Barafu Camp to Summit to Mweka Hut
  • Day 07Mweka Camp to Moshi
  • Day 08Free Day
  • Day 09Flight back home